I cannot believe that we’re through the halfway point of the One Room Challenge! And we’re just now doing the Demo! My husband continues to reassure me that we’ll get done in time…. but I’m having my doubts. 😬 If you’re unfamiliar with the One Room Challenge…it’s for creators and DIY’ers to create or transform a space in only 8 weeks. We are doing our pantry this time. We tackled our Laundry Room last spring and our Theater Room last fall. Be sure to check out all the other amazing projects on the One Room Challenge Blog. So let’s get to it!

Before and Mood Board
Let’s remember what we started with and what we’re trying to accomplish. When we built our house, I had to have a large pantry. Sure, I would have loved to have built in cabinets and all the things…but the budget. So, we opted for shelves on both sides of the walls, and it did work for us. We just need more functional storage. We have A LOT of stuff in our pantry, from the obvious food storage, but also, pet food, all the small appliances, crafts, decor, and my fancy china. I appreciate all the storage, but I want the storage to take advantage of the tall ceilings and utilize all that space. So, we are adding cabinets on one wall (all the way to the ceiling) and under the window. We are changing the shelves to appear more “built-in” and go all the way to the ceiling. But I also want it to look pretty. 😉

This week, we removed all the things. It took me 2 days to take all the food and “stuff” out of the pantry. Our dining table is currently where all the food is. And the guest room has everything else! After a little bit of clean up, Andy removed all the shelving. I did help and I dislodged almost all the trim that needed to be removed. Because we’re going to cover most of the wall with cabinets and vertical shiplap, most of the drywall damaged didn’t need to be repaired.

Adding Electrical
We already had 2 outlets in our pantry, but in order to be able to use some small appliances and have a beverage fridge, we needed more. So, Andy was able to tap into the laundry room outlet for some of the extra power and added 2 more outlets on one wall. I only requested one additional outlet for the other wall, preferably near the window. Andy did all the wiring for our Theater Room, so this was really a piece of cake for him. 😆🍰 He did end of repairing some of the drywall, just to make sure nothing unfinished was going to show behind the fridge.

What’s Next?
So, what do we have left to do? Basically everything! We’ll be installing all the cabinets this week. We’ll be installing the fridge. I HAVE to pick a paint color this week. All the cabinets and shelves will be the same color. I’m thinking a creamy greige. I don’t want something too dark, but I do want a little contrast. The rest of the walls I want a cream or off-white color.

We (and I mean Andy) need to build all the shelving units. We need to paint everything! We’ll need to change out the lighting. We’ll need to install all the hardware (I cannot wait to share the hardware). And then I have to put all the things in their places and make it pretty. I’m not sure we’re going to get it all done before the end of May, but we’re definitely going to try. I hope you’ll tag along for the rest and see the end result! Until next time Treasure Hunters!

You May Enjoy
Week 2-How to Choose Pantry Hardware
Week 1-The Pantry Project-the Before and a Mood Board
The Best Laundry Room Essentials
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This is getting exciting. Really love how it is turning out. I want one but for now, I’m working on the Laundry room in the ORC!!
Nice! We did our Laundry Room Sprin 2022.