We built our home in 2017 after purchasing the land 2 years prior. We have lived on an acreage before and after living in 2 homes that were in town, we knew we wanted another acreage. Our home is definitely not a mansion or huge, even though, someone from the UK commented on IG that…
Pantry Project-The Reveal
It’s finally here and we’re finally done! We have officially completed our second spring One Room Challenge. If you’re not familiar with the One Room Challenge, it for DIY’ers, creators, homeowners that want to complete a room in a fixed time frame. We had 8 weeks to complete our Pantry Project and I’m happy to…
How to Paint Pantry Cabinets Like A Pro
I don’t know if you know this, but next week is reveal week for the Spring One Room Challenge and we are just now painting. Will we get done in time? Who knows, but I’m hoping for success. This week, week 7, we are doing all the prep and painting. So, let’s get to it!…
How to Choose Stain for Butcher Block
We’re in the final DAYS of the One Room Challenge! And we have SO MUCH to do! We have all the cabinets in the shelves are done and the counters are in. But we have to choose a stain for the butcher block countertops. I tested eight different stains on a remnant of the butcher…
Pantry Cabinets & Shelves Part 1
I cannot believe that the One Room Challenge is nearly over! I feel like we are just getting started and we do not have enough time. My husband is constantly telling me that we’ll get done. I hope so! For this week, Part one, we tackled the cabinets and started on the shelves. Let’s see…