Happy New Year Friends! I cannot believe that it’s 2020! It feels like it was just summer….the fall blew by so fast! We haven’t had a big snow yet this winter, I’m not too sad about it. I would have preferred a white Christmas, but instead, we had temps in the ’50s! So to start off the new year, I wanted to give you some tips to transition from Christmas to Winter decor.

What cozy means to me…
When I think about cozy winter decor I think about lots of cozy textures, a little sparkle, and some greens. I don’t think that just because Christmas is over, you need to pack away all the trees. I like to take away all the red (and maybe all the big Christmas trees) and leave out the little trees, flocked trees, bottlebrush trees, and other random greenery.

I added sparkle to my winter tablescape refresh. I had used the mercury glass candle holders for Christmas and I recycled them for winter too. After a busy Christmas tablescape, I’m always ready for a simple winter look for our table.

Unfortunately, we get a lot of snow in January, February, and even March. To help with the winter blues, I enjoy adding cozy pillows and throws throughout our home. I enjoy mixing things up frequently and adding green plants. Typically in January, I get the itch to buy all the real plants….but then I have to remind myself of my black thumb, so you’ll only find the easiest plants to grow in our home.

I hope you stay warm and cozy this winter! And please send any warm weather and sunshine our way! 😉